The interesting turn of event here is that this application consists of thousands of radio stations that are freely available on the internet allowing you to stream through live channels and enjoy music, news, or any other type of information that is made available on different channels. It is freely downloadable application that can be easily registered by using your own Facebook account or by utilizing the server of Audials and gaining a new login for your app. The application that I am referring to here is known as the Audials. there are still buttons that allow us to set the volume of the sounds that are coming out of the device, lastly it should be understood that there are pre defined channels on which different channels are made available to you through the internet. Let’s change the scenario a bit here, today’s radio is a still a box but that box is own as a cell phone or a mobile phone in this era of technology that we live in. Now when we think of a video a box comes to our thoughts which had a button to turn it on or off and secondly two knobs, one to increase or decrease the volume and the second to adjust the different frequencies to gain access to the channels that are available in that area. The technology that I am referring to here is known as a radio.

By classic technology here I mean a technology that provides us with information but at the same time allows us to perform important different task, in simpler words to optimally utilize our time to increase productivity.

It should be understood that this dependency of technology has gained so much importance that people have forgot the classic technology is what I would like to quote it as. Everyone in this life is surrounded with technology that helps them to gain perfection in the field of one’s own choice.