But if you fail to root your device,we suggest that you try again via KingoRoot Android (PC version), which has more rooting scripts, supports a wider range of devices and will have higher success rate. This apk offers even the newest Android users a simple method to root their device. Through this method there is no need to connect your device to computer. When you want to root your phoen it is highly recommended that you try KingoRoot (apk version)first since it has integreted a number of exploits and it is of great convenience. As the smartphone manufactures customize the Nougat OS for their device, it will be compatible with smartphones from Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, OnePlus and Xiaomi in the near future. At present the Android 7.1 Nougat OS is exclusively available on Google Pixel and Pixel XL smartphone.

There are two versions: KingoRoot Android (PC Version) and KingoRoot (APK Version). As the newest operating system many users will wonder how to root Android phone fast and easily? Kingo offers every Android user a safe, fast and secure software to root your android device. Android 7.0-7.1 Nougat has been officially released for some time.